New Student Registration (Kindergarten to Grade 12)

2025-2026 School Year

Registration and pre-enrolment are now closed. While ECS may still accept late registrations, they will only be reviewed after all on-time submissions have been processed. Late registrations will be considered only if space is available.

Christian Program Fees

Registration Process

Even though our registration season has ended, here’s an overview of how families typically join Edmonton Christian Schools. If you’re interested in late registration, please contact us directly.

Step 1: Attend an Info Session
Prospective families begin by attending an information session to learn about our Christ-centered program, mission, and partnership with the Edmonton Society for Christian Education (ESCE). Current ECS families do not need to complete this step. (Information Package)

Step 2: Edmonton Public Schools Registration
ECS operates as an alternative program within Edmonton Public Schools (EPSB). Families must complete an EPSB registration or pre-enrolment process, depending on whether they are new to EPSB or transferring from another EPSB school.

Step 3: ESCE Membership & Documents
New families complete a Partnership Agreement with ESCE. This document, along with an optional Summary Statement of Faith, is provided at the information session.

Since ECS receives more applications than available spaces, student placement may be determined through a random selection process for Edmonton residents when needed.

Missed the Deadline?

If you’re still hoping to register, please contact us to discuss available options.

Other Important Information