Recent Stories2021-02-08T09:29:36-07:00

ECS Stories

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Fire and Faith

...neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. [...]

Say What?

"Serve to learn and learn to serve."  We used that description on a recent Facebook post, and one reaction was, "Say what?  What does that mean?" First of all, [...]

Time Travel?

If time travel were possible, where would you go?  Forward in time to see what your city was like 1000 years from now?  Back in time to a [...]

Get Smart

Photo: amazon.com Agent 86, Maxwell Smart versus his nemesis Conrad Siegfried.  Good vs Evil.  Counter-intelligence agency, Control vs international organization of evil, Kaos (even their spelling was [...]

reForming Relationships

This week’s blog is brought to you by the letter ‘R’!  Relationships.  Reforming. Renewal.  Restoration. Reconciliation.  ReconciliACTION (okay, so that one we just made up). Edmonton Christian Northeast School in [...]

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