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The Open House will be online (virtual) with an emphasis on Kindergarten and Grade 7.

Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/rto-htys-wav <– Join at 6PM on March 4.

You also might be interested in viewing the West School Virtual TourTake a look inside the school.

IMPORTANT: Please also refer to our registration process

The first step before registering with EPSB is to attend an Information Session.  This is not the same as the Open House. The information session will allow parents/guardians to learn more specifically about our Christian program, our mission, and the partnership and expectations between families and ECS, allowing for families to ensure that ECS is a good fit for them.

Please visit our Admissions page for full details and to register for an Information Session. 

Prepare for the Virtual Open House

You will need to:

  • set up your computer, laptop or mobile device in a quiet area with few visual distractions
  • consider using one device if multiple family members are attending since every device used to join the event counts as one participant—sharing a device allows more people to join the event
  • use devices that are fully charged or plugged in
  • check your microphone and camera ahead of time to avoid potential issues

If you don’t have a camera or microphone, you can still join a virtual event to listen to the discussions.

The open house is hosted through Google Meet:

  • you must sign in to a Google account to attend the event
  • Google no longer allows anonymous users (anyone who isn’t signed into a Google account) to attend a Meet to help prevent disruptions
  • parents with children who are Division students can choose to sign in using their child’s @share.epsb.ca account