
Where Is God?

Where is God?  It is a question we have all asked ourselves at different moments in our lives. Noel This question has been the focus of a semester-long assignment in Biology 20.  At the beginning of the semester, [...]

Reflecting Our Creator

You had to be there!  The pictures here can only capture a small part of the story.  A small part of the story of  how Edmonton Christian School’s students reflect the creativity of their Creator.  There were three different “art events” this [...]

Fire and Faith

...neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Roman 8:39 It will be a day that will not be forgotten [...]

Say What?

"Serve to learn and learn to serve."  We used that description on a recent Facebook post, and one reaction was, "Say what?  What does that mean?" First of all, at Edmonton Christian School we believe that "accepting Christ's  invitation to live [...]

Throwing Pasta

Is it true that you can test whether your pasta is cooked by throwing it against the wall to see if it sticks?  If it is, then it sounds just a bit like teaching (and parenting).  We toss things out [...]

Time Travel?

If time travel were possible, where would you go?  Forward in time to see what your city was like 1000 years from now?  Back in time to a historical event such as the building of the great pyramids in Egypt [...]

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