“We thought our parents were kidding when they told us they bought the ‘principal for a day’ item at the school auction.  We were excited once we found out it was real.”  

Less than a month later, on June 3 Amelie, grade 2, and her brother Lucas, grade 5, found themselves in charge of Edmonton Christian Northeast School with its 500 students, and more than 40 staff members.  They had a busy day!
Here are just a few of the duties they performed.   Let’s just say, if Mrs. Mulder ever needed to take a few days off, we might have a pair that can step in!

They brought, ate and shared doughnuts (crucial job competencies!) . . .


. . . and they huddled behind closed doors to plan for the day . . .



. . . and they visited classrooms . . .

. . .and met with police officer, Ian, and imagined how traffic safety at school could improve. . .



. . . and interviewed a candidate for a teaching position at ECNS . . .

. . . and did a fire safety tour and fire drill will EFD member Ben . . .



. . .and led elementary singing…and  extended recess to hand out freezies to students . . . and give pizza to the staff (no picture).

 . . .and. . . (phew, this day is exhausting). . . had a meeting with EPSB Assistant Superintendent Mike Suderman.

with Mike (1)

These two seized the day! Often there isn’t much joy in the hectic, busy , goal-focussed beginning of June. They reminded us that the story we are part of is adventurous and joyful!  Thanks Lucas and Amelie!