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You are invited to attend a Listening Session.

These sessions will provide a space for open dialogue within our school community, fostering understanding, easing tensions, and discussing how we can move forward as a healthy, supportive community dedicated to our schools’ continued good work.

We have selected four dates so you can choose the one that best fits your schedule. Please note that these sessions are strictly for the adults who support Edmonton Christian Schools—no children will be permitted in the building.

Session Dates: October 2, 3, 7, 8

Register for a Session

Each participant wishing to attend must complete the registration form.

Sessions will be limited to 50 people each.

As we prepare for the upcoming listening sessions, we want to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to fully participate. If you would benefit from language support during your session, please contact the Society Office to share the language you feel most comfortable speaking. We will do our best to have an intercultural consultant at your session. (780.476.6281 / societyoffice@edmchristian.org)

We look forward to your participation and to working together towards a stronger, more united school community.

God bless,

ESCE Board of Directors