We are excited to introduce some fresh faces to our teaching staff! These educators bring unique talents, passion, and a shared commitment to our students’ growth. Join us in giving them a warm welcome to our school community as they play their role in God’s story at ECS.

Nicola Twa – High School 

Art & English

Nicola’s Deep Hope is that we grow closer to God and each other on this journey of learning together.

Although Nicola didn’t attend ECS, all three of her siblings were once students here.

With seven years of experience teaching K-12 art at an international school in Turkey, she brings a wealth of global knowledge and experience. Having traveled to 40 countries, Nicola has developed a deep love for exploring different languages and cultures. Alongside her teaching, she is also an artist who enjoys painting and printmaking in her free time.

Esther Thomas – Northeast School

Grade 6

Esther’s Deep Hope is to inspire her students to develop a passion for learning and perseverance. She aims to empower them to achieve personal and academic success by embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. Esther believes that with effort, dedication, and commitment to God’s plan, her students will accomplish meaningful goals and experience true fulfillment.

Esther was drawn to ECS because of the strong community culture and shared values among staff and students. Her favourite subjects are Language Arts and Social Studies, and outside of teaching, she enjoys singing and playing guitar. This past summer, Esther had the exciting opportunity to work at Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS.

Brooke Williamson – West School

Grade 1

Brooke’s Deep Hope is that her classroom will be a family where children feel loved, safe, and supported! It will be a space where children will love to learn and will be empowered to play their role in God’s Story.

Brooke is married and has six pets at home: 2 cats, a tortoise, a Mexican red-knee tarantula, a crested gecko, and a praying mantis! She loves to spend her free time rock climbing, reading, playing board games with friends, and crafting. She and her husband also enjoy spending time outdoors, birdwatching and hiking, especially in the mountains!

Esther Dada – Northeast School

Grade 1

Esther’s Deep Hope is that her students will feel loved, cared for, and safe in her classroom. She hopes that they will grow in their relationships with God and find moments to marvel at God’s greatness.

She has been teaching for five years, but this is her first year with ECS. She loves the opportunity to teach about God’s Word and witness its impact on her students. She also enjoys working alongside staff who share her faith.

In the classroom, you’ll almost always find her dancing and singing with her students.

Laura Geake – Northeast School

Grade 4

Laura’s Deep Hope is that students will become increasingly aware of their role in furthering the kingdom of God. The content students learn in school is deeply connected to their faith journey, as it ties into every aspect of life, continually pointing us back to the Creator and the mission He has entrusted to us.

She went fishing for the first time this summer in Terrace, BC, and was lucky enough to catch 40 lbs of salmon. Her favourite place to visit is Disneyland! She has a cat named Sushi and married her husband, Cole, in May 2023.

Kaydee Otterman – Northeast School


Kaydee’s Deep Hope is to build positive connections with her students and create a space where all can feel supported and successful. She will help students build a classroom community grounded in the security of God’s grace and love.

She has taught at a head start program for five years, working with families whose children have complex learning needs. Kaydee has a passion for working with children who are on a different learning path. This is her first year with ECS and she is excited about the opportunity to teach about God’s Word and witness its impact on her students.

Kaydee has two cats at home, Benji and Cinder! She spends her free time going on walks, building Lego plants, reading, and spending time with her friends. She is excited to be starting her journey at Christian Northeast School and to be connecting with the students and staff!

Michelle Krukewich-Tauber – High School 

Photography, Science, Religion

Michelle’s Deep Hope is that students see education as a powerful tool that illuminates their minds and hearts, allowing them to see the world through new perspectives and to grow in wisdom and compassion. Christ is the source of all wisdom, and guides us in this pursuit.

Michelle was born without her right hand, “God made this way. He gave me all that I need.” She is an avid crafter: knitting, paper crafts, t-shirts, and sewing, to name a few. She finished two quilt tops this summer and still had time to enjoy the weather. Her kids are her joy!

Brenda Forbes – Northeast School 


Brenda’s Deep Hope for students is that they feel valued and safe at school, grounded in the security of God’s love.

After filling in for a few teachers at Edmonton Christian Northeast, Brenda found the students and staff to be absolutely delightful and is excited to return to a place where she can openly share her faith and love for God.

Brenda has three sons who are all much taller than she is, and a cat who runs the household, lovingly taking care of the family dog, whom he thinks is his mom. Outside of teaching, Brenda is a passionate Scouter, teaching archery and leading outdoor adventures like hiking and camping.

Of course, we’re also thrilled to welcome back our amazing teachers, EAs, and all the staff who make this community so special. Whether you’re returning after some time away or have been part of ECS for years, we’re so grateful for everything you do. Your support helps our students play their roles in God’s story, and we couldn’t do it without you!