The results are in! Congratulations to the recipients of the 2020 Division Student Awards!
This year, EPSB recognized 117 Grade 12 students from 21 different high schools. These outstanding students were recognized for their academic skills, entrepreneurial spirit, artistic achievements, contributions to health and wellness or demonstrations of leadership and citizenship during the 2019-2020 school year.
We are so proud of the six Edmonton Christian High School students who won awards! Read below to learn more about the Edmonton Christian High School award recipients!

The Division Academic Excellence Award is open to Grade 12 students who demonstrate overall exceptional academic achievement in a range of subjects in International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement or regular programming.
Jesse Epp
Jesse was committed to his academics and had a passion for learning. Throughout high school, Jesse was one of the top academic students. His perseverance and dedication to understanding material and developing his skills never wavered. Jesse demonstrated respect for his teachers and his peers. He was always willing to help others in and out of class. He was a leader and a role model in so many areas, as well as an engaged learner.

The Division Career and Life Pathways Award is open to Grade 12 students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement in one or more of the following areas: Business, Administration, Finance and Information Technology, Health, Recreation and Human Services, Media, Design and Communication Arts, Natural Resources, Trades, Manufacturing and Transportation, and Career Transitions.
Seth Vandermeer
Seth was involved in multiple areas of the CTS program. He was a conscientious student who consistently put forward exemplary effort. He excelled at construction, sports leadership and foods. Most prevalently, he showed excellence in sports leadership and Foods 30. He provided great leadership in these classes; he was inclusive and drew others into the work that was being done.

The Division Fine Arts Award is open to Grade 12 students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement in one or more of the performing and visual arts, including subjects pertaining to music, art, dance and drama.
Candice Lee
Candice was a confident, motivated and skilled member of the band class throughout high school. She was committed to doing her best, and that showed every class through individual practise and being prepared with her music parts. She strived to support the band community by quietly leading others in her section and she was respected by her peers. Her passion for music not only shows through band class but also through volunteering with chapel music and choir class accompaniment. She took on leading chapel music a few times which involved organizing, practicing and leading in front of the school. For the past two years, Candice volunteered to be the choir class piano accompanist. She spent hours learning the music on top of her own piano practising and was a reliable and gifted contributor to the choir community. She was chosen to play in Edmonton Public Schools’ Night of Music honour band.

The Division Health and Wellness Award is open to Grade 12 students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and/or model leadership in one or more of the following areas: Physical Education, School Athletics, Health and Life Skills and overall wellness, such as healthy life choices.
Wyatt Thiessen
Wyatt was actively involved in physical education, sports performance and athletics throughout high school. He was an engaged and passionate learner and leader in the area of health and wellness at the school. As the captain of both the volleyball and basketball teams in Grade 12, he was responsible, competitive, respected and humble in his role as a team leader. He was committed and enthusiastic about being active, healthy and fit. He put the interests of others and the school community before himself, both on and off the court. He was involved with the student council and was a leader with the Christmas hampers campaign and Alpha project—his participation reflected his selflessness and compassionate nature. Wyatt was an inspiration to others.

The Division Humanities Award is open to Grade 12 students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement in one or more of the following subject areas: English, social studies and languages.
Breanna Rempel
Breanna exemplified what it means to be a servant leader. Not only was she active in student council, she always sought out additional ways to help around the school. She led by example in the classroom. She often went above and beyond the work required and asked for more resources to study issues at a deeper level. Where Breanna excelled though, was in empathy. She had an intrinsic instinct of knowing when people needed help, a hug or a pick-me-up. An example of this was when she organized the student body to send her video clips of students wishing the staff well during the COVID-19 crisis. She then edited the clips together and sent them out to all the staff at school as encouragement in the crazy weeks of organizing online learning. If humanities are not only about academic excellence, but also about the human experience and condition, then Breanna fits the bill.

The Division Math, Science and Technologies Award is open to Grade 12 students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement in a subject area related to mathematics, science or technologies.
Abigail Burdett
Abi is a strong, independent worker motivated to improve her learning and deal with the challenges of making mistakes. She also worked to give her peers a helping hand when they did not know how to complete a problem. Abi had a strong collection of gifts and was often a busy student who had to work hard to schedule all of her commitments and obligations. She was keen to ask questions and sought to clarify her understanding of challenging concepts, ensuring that she had a solid understanding. She also had fun exploring where her post-secondary studies could take her.