Recently our teachers have been thinking about their deep hopes for the students that attend Edmonton Christian Schools. Many of these hopes, in one way or another, speak about our students being people who love God and love their neighbours.
(Watch for an upcoming blog about DEEP HOPES)
But like the people in Jesus time, we sometime need reminders about who those neighbours are. If we don’t live in the downtown core, are the people who live life largely on the streets our neighbours? Does God call us to see and treasure His image reflected in the 1800 plus people in our city who are struggling with homelessness?
Some classes at Edmonton Christian Schools answered those questions with an emphatic “YES” last week as they used opportunities in their studies to actively love some of the people on the margins of the society we live in. Both groups made sandwiches for the Mustard Seed and it’s partner programs in Edmonton. These sandwiches will help someone on the street bridge a gap until their next meal or will become a child’s school lunch or will supply the energy for one of Edmonton’s working poor, heading off to their job. Simple sandwiches providing hope for the day.
Mrs Piers and her grade 8 French class at ECWS made over 200 sandwiches as a learning experience in their FSL unit on Food:
Two days later, at ECHS, Ms. Tsang and her Foods 10/20 class along with Mrs. Krol’s Physics 20 class that had raised some money for the sandwich supplies also made 200 sandwiches:
Growing as servant-workers, community builders and justice-seekers. Recognizing the image of God in all people. Finding their role in God’s story. This is all part of what we hope for the students of Edmonton Christian Schools.
This time, that hope was realized in the simple act of making a sandwich.