What I can do, I will do.
A will-do attitude is a way of living God’s story in a broken world. Because we believe it is still a God-with-us world, Edmonton Christian Schools instils a will-do attitude in students. But, as the issues of food security and food safety come up in the Science 30 curriculum, what can our students do? Can they feed all 860,000 Canadians (one-third of which are children) who use Foodbanks each month? Or, can they address the plight of all 4.9 million Canadians (1 in 7) who struggle to pay rent, feed their families and meet basic needs? Can they even help just those in Edmonton facing yet another winter on the streets?*
The answer is no; our students cannot solve these massive issues. They know that, yet despair is not paralyzing them.
What I can do, I will do.

Postcard for Minister Jean-Yves Duclos
“We can raise awareness of poverty, and join the Dignity for All Campaign” Chloe
“[We do this because] it informs people about the poverty that is going on in our society and encourages people to get involved and help each other out.” Aliscia
“ For Canada to be an inclusive community for all people I think it’s important for individuals to be servant workers; it’s important for the individuals to care about the collective.” Deborah
“If the roles were reversed and we were on the streets begging, wouldn’t we want someone to care and help us.” Braedan
“Supporting [local] organizations such as the Mustard Seed and Jasper Place Health and Wellness is something everyone can do . . .” Shannon.
“I can donate food to the food bank . . . As Christians it should be our goal to help everyone.” Joshua
No paralysis here! On Oct 17, The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, Mrs. Krol and twenty five Science 30 students joined thousands of others in more than 80 events across this country to be a voice for people who live in poverty. Their efforts were part of the Chew On This initiative through an organization called Dignity for All.**
The Science thirty students not only lobbied the Canadian government to develop a comprehensive policy to deal with poverty, but they invited the rest of the school to join them . They made more than three hundred “Chew On This” bags containing a small food item (which they purchased) , a fridge magnet and a postcard to be sent to the Minister for Families, Children and Social Development. In order to widen the awareness of this important issue, they invited each student in the school to take home a couple of bags to give to their neighbours.
What I can do, I will do.
Certainly there is more to be done, but on October 17, these students DID what they COULD do. Take a moment to chew on that . . . . Taste and see that God is good!
*Excellent infographics on poverty compiled by CPJ, can be found here: break20the20barriers
by Brian Doornenbal