There is no doubt: Edmonton Christian Schools are heritage schools. Not the buildings, the schools. First of all, these schools operate in the heritage of God’s grace. Since 1949, despite our flaws and the unseen bends in the path, God has heaped blessings on Edmonton Society for Christian Education schools and those that attend them. That is almost 70 years of Christ centred education! The effects continue to reverberate as graduates become harmonious notes in the beautiful song God’s creation sings.
Secondly, we exist in the heritage of committed people, the people who founded and support(ed) a school whose deep hope and vision has always been to see students “accepting Christ’s invitation to live for renewal.” These faithful people know that “there is not one square inch of our human existence over which Christ does not cry, ‘Mine!'”*
Never is our heritage of grace and commitment more evident than when we invite our Grandparents and special friends to our schools, as we did this week. The pictures tell the story!
Edmonton Christian West School, Weds Oct 11 (slide show may take a few moments to load on your device).
Edmonton Christian Northeast School, Thurs Oct 12 (Slide show may take a few moments to load on your device).
Amazing grace from a loving God, passed down from generation to generation by committed Christ followers. Could we be more blessed?