I’ll admit it: Once in awhile I have a hard time celebrating. I like to think that doesn’t come from some deep seated pessimism; I think I’m a glass-half-full person. And it certainly it does not arise from the notion that Christ-followers need to be stoic and reserved; quite the opposite! God’s grace gives me ample reason to live joyfully. I think the challenge in celebrating comes from years of “WHAT ABOUTS?” It’s great to recognize the students who excel, but WHAT ABOUT the ones who struggle. WHAT ABOUT the student who doesn’t live well in our community? WHAT ABOUT the one that didn’t make the team . . .
We still have “what abouts” that challenge us and motivate us to live a better story at Edmonton Christian High School, but we also have reason to celebrate. While we still face some brokeness there is true joy at Edmonton Christian High because we so regularly see our students, all made in the image of God, reflect that image.
We see it in academics, athletics, service, community life and leadership. While we need to continue to address our “what abouts,” it is good for us to set them aside regularly to celebrate God’s story at ECHS. We did that last week, acknowledging some of the ways that we have noticed our students reflect their Creator by taking up their part in God’s story.
It began on Wednesday evening with an athletics banquet. The banquet itself was a testament to the fantastic students we have here as it was the passion project of two grade 12 students, Sara and Murjet.

Banquet attendees listen to guest speaker Mr. Brady Van Ry. “There will always be a place for you in God’s story.”

Athletics award winners.

Ashley and Joel were recognized for Athletic Service.
A complete list of Athletics Award winners 2017 can be found here.
The following Thursday, an awards assembly was held at ECHS. Many students were recognized for their abilities and contributions to the learning community at Edmonton Christian High School and beyond.

April won the Katy Van Vliet Award for outstanding Gr. 10 student

Jake was recognized as the Outstanding Gr. 11 Student

Bethany was awarded the Brendon Wolthuis Award for Service (Gr 11)

Caleb will be Valedictorian for the Class of 2017 and was awarded the Nancy Westergreen Service Award (Caleb was also awarded a Kinsmen Club Award and was the Schulich Leader Scholarship nominee from ECHS)

Joel was awarded the Russom Michael Award for Character in Athletics
There were many other image-reflectors who were recognized. A complete list of ECHS Awards 2017 can be found here.
We have great students at Edmonton Christian. But in God’s story we know where that greatness comes from. Grace. Amazing grace! We are free, as guest speaker Mr. Van Ry reminded those who attended the athletics banquet, to develop our gifts and passions because we know that by grace, there will ALWAYS be a place for us in God’s story. Winning awards or having success on the court or in the classroom won’t make God love us more, nor will our failures make God love us less. Our identity is secure: We ARE God’s children, made in His image, finding our role in the big love story God writes with our lives. Belonging to a school that acknowledges that — that has me celebrating!