Recently some staff members attended an education conference at which the hashtag #WeAreCrew was used. The idea was that in a school there are no passengers; we are all crew. One of the great things about Edmonton Christian School’s story is that the crew is not only made up of students and staff, but also parents and supporters. Journeying together is a real blessing.
Recently, at West school an email was received from a parent that should be encouragement to everyone on the Edmonton Christian School crew. Some snippets follow:
Regarding the food bank donations collected at thanksgiving:
“It made me feel humble, grateful, and amazed at the continued generosity of our parents and students, with the leadership of our teachers. The food you all collected weighed around 400 kilograms! Truly amazing.”
After attending her children’s volleyball game later that day:
“It was fun and funny and really unbelievable how you coaches have put together these kids, taught them to work together and built on the skills and love of physical activity they have learned in gym class. It was a real treat and we look forward to the tournament this weekend. The extra time you spend, time away from your families or catching up on work, is not lost on me.”
And in conclusion:
“I wanted to share with you all that, when I tell people where our kids go to school, these are the stories I am proud to share. I feel grateful and amazed all the time at the work you do. Very specifically, each of the teachers who have taught one of our little stinkers (or all of them!), have given us a gift we can never repay and have contributed to helping our kids grow in God, and simply grow up to become people we are coming to like very much!
“It was a pretty great day for me yesterday, a reminder of a lot of blessings in my life, including you all.”
Crew. Community. The body of Christ. Thanks be to God!